Site Map
- Application areas
- Gate control
- Remote Control
- Forwarding alarm signal
- Monitoring system
- GSM/4G alarm centre
- GSM/4G Intercom / entryphone
- GSM Elevator remote monitoring, Elevator caller, Emergency caller
- Emergency caller
- Industrial applications
- PV Solar security system
- Products
- 1Control Solo Bluetooth gate opener
- Bluetooth remote controls
- GSM/GPRS/4G transmitters, remote controls
- GSM, GPRS, IP communicator for monitoring station
- Monitoring station receivers
- GSM Intercom, emergency caller
- Universal devices
- Accessories
- Antennas for GSM modules
- Expansion panels for GSM modules
- GSM module boxes
- GSM module cables
- Power supplies
- Programming adapters for GSM modules
- ZOLEO Satellite Communicator
- Software
- Programming software, applications
- Device Uploader v1.52
- EniCom Application
- ProRead programming software for Windows
- Terminal v2.51
- USB Driver for Windows XP/7
- AndroRead programming software for Android
- CloudManager application for Android and iOS
- RemoteGSM application for Android
- Monitoring software for monitoring stations
- PV Solar Systems
- All products
- Services
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- Information
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- Technical support
- News
- Sitemap
- Legend
- Tudástár / Faq
- Service
- Guarantee
- RMA document
- Manuals and applications
- Certificate
- Flyers
- AndroRead
- ProRead
- USB Driver for Windows XP/7
- RemoteGSM application
- CloudManager application
- Hírek
- 1Control Solo Bluetooth Gate Opener
- Alarm Commander monitoring software
- Apply to test the EniCom 2G/4G/4G Pro communicator's app!
- ASC breaking news: Cloud Manager application replaces the WiFi/BT Manager application
- ASC Global is 9.99 years old and we already celebrate!
- Cloud developments in January
- CloudManager, where all devices are available for professionals
- Compatible, expandable, SIA DC 09, Surgard!
- Complete IP / GPRS / 3G / 4G based monitoring system
- Controlling without SIM card
- Easy and simple: MultiOne GSM (wiring video with Beninca controller)
- EasyCon GSM: signal sending and remote control in the same module
- EasyLine 4G has arrived!
- EN54-21 communicator with 2G and LAN: EniCom 2G
- EN54-21 communicator with line input = EniCom 4G Pro
- EN54-21 communicator? EniCom 4G
- EniCom 2G/4G/4G Pro with Telco/Line connection!
- EniCom 4G – upgraded connectivity and easier installation
- ENIGMA II - SIA DC09 receiver
- Enigma II expansion options
- Enigma IP2 receiver: Compact GPRS/IP Monitoring Receiver
- Exhibitions in Autumn, New Products!
- Fast and safe access sharing with the Solo!
- Gate, barrier, and garage door control: why and how to modernize traditional remote controls
- Get to know the InterCom GSM Monitoring Set!
- GSM communication for elevator remote monitoring, emergency systems
- GSM/4G alarm centre: compact and reliable protection for remote locations
- GSM/4G intercoms – modern and secure access control solutions
- Have your own monitoring system!
- How can you take advantage of being the partner of ASC Global?
- How to connect the EasyLine GSM to the Paradox Spectra panel?
- How to search for users in Cloud Manager
- Important changes about the future…
- Insurance certification for the TANlock!
- InterCom GSM and 4G product line – door phone, lift remote monitoring and emergency caller
- InterCom GSM Kit (1, 2, 4)
- InterCom GSM Kit and InterCom GSM Kit Emergency caller
- InterCom GSM Kit Emergency
- InterCom GSM Kit Forrest
- InterCom GSM/4G Kits Now Available from Stock!
- IP remote control simply: IPCOM Cloud
- IP2 receiver: GPRS/IP Monitoring Receiver
- IPCOM Cloud = IPCOM + Cloud connection
- IPCOM-G and IPCOM-4G communicator
- July 2022 news
- MultiOne GSM Cloud - GSM door opener and remote control module
- MultiOne GSM Cloud GSM door opener and remote control module
- MultiOne GSM with one relay output and one input
- New at EniCom 2G/4G/4G Pro: Discover the Advantages of Our Cloud-Based Services!
- New functions in the InterCom GSM
- New ProRead software available!
- New ProRead version available!
- NEWS IN SEPTEMBER (IP65Box, MultiOne GSM kit)
- Our Cloud services
- Our Cloud services: ASCloudManager
- Our new IOT product is available: WiFi/Bluetooth Controller
- Our offer has been expanded with a new 4G transmitter: COM 4G
- Our product range has expanded with a multifunctional radio transmitter and receiver!
- Output extension units for ProCon GSM and 4G
- Power supply for external application
- ProBox has been renewed
- ProCon GSM Cloud extension possibilities
- ProCon GSM with 4G communication
- Protect your solar system with comprehensive insurance.
- PS230 power supply instead of AC/DC Panel
- Querying the event log and configuring the settings in the Cloud
- Remote Control in Everyday Life: Managing Lights, Saunas, Pools, and More from a Distance
- Remote monitoring systems – comprehensive solutions for security supervision
- Remote programming of EniCom communicators - simple, fast, and secure!
- Set up your ProCon GSM Cloud with Proread
- Simple and cost effective transmission: IPCOM
- Solar protection systems
- Solar security system (PV Solar)
- Solar Sentry: See Us in Action
- Solo2 and Solo Evo new functions
- Stay safe on your kayak and SUP adventures with ZOLEO satellite communicator
- TANlock introduction at the Hungarian Security Forum
- Temporarily disable / enable controlling phone numbers
- The Cloud interface has been redesigned!
- The easiest Cloud registration
- The EniCom expansion: options and free App
- The missing part of protection – TANlock!
- The new AndroRead promotes the programming of the GSM modules
- The new EasyLine 2.0 has arrived
- The new generation of ProLine GSM has arrived, the ProLine 4G and the ProLine 4G LAN line simulator
- The new way: Narrowband IoT (NB-IoT)
- The Solo product range has been expanded
- The updated ProRead is available!
- The WiFi / Bluetooth Controller Pro has arrived
- Two new useful functions in ProRead
- Updated RMA form
- Visit the ASC Global Stand at the Travel 2024 Exhibition (Pavilion A: 203F)
- Wall-mounted emergency caller: InterCom GSM/4G Emergency Caller WM
- We are happy to serve you!
- We are pleased to share with you the news that the new version of the WiFi/Bluetooth Controller has arrived.
- We look forward to welcoming you to our stand (K2)
- WiFi/Bluetooth Controller wiring and programming video
- WPS function for our WiFi products!
- You can control your GSM Module via GPRS (GPRS Remote)
- Your existing GSM product is capable of Wifi connection as well
- Your health is important to us – here is our gift for you!
- ZOLEO: A reliable way to communicate globally, send messages and ask for help from anywhere in the world
- PV Solar Monitoring