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Querying the event log and configuring the settings in the Cloud

15/10/2020 12:00:00 AM
Querying the event log and configuring the settings in the Cloud

We have got the question many times regarding how it is possible to download the event log or modify the settings of the GSM modules remotely? It would have been great to avoid going unnecessarily to the client if we have been able to change the settings of the communicator remotely.

Due to the WiFi/Bluetooth Programmer, we can have remote access to the modules including programming. From now on, we can connect to the Cloud that ensures a user-friendly interface to modify the settings, managing users, or querying logs.

Cloud-based remote management!

We had mentioned previously that we constantly improved our Cloud-based services. Two new functions have been activated during the recent days that allow programming and making queries of the GSM modules via the WiFi/Bluetooth Programmer.

We recommend it to the following products:

(By clicking on the product names, you can open the web page of the device.)

Querying settings

You can easily read out or modify the configuration of the settings of the communicator. The changed settings can be loaded to the module via the web page as well. The interface has a new design that is different from the usual appearance of the ProRead progamming software. You can save the settings at the bottom of the page that allows forwarding the changed parameters to the GSM module such us phone numbers for notification sending, input settings, outputs, etc.

Querying event log

The event log is available in the Cloud too. Howbeit, you have access to the events like input state changes our output controls. If you do not want to read out the complete event log (Max. 16 000 events), you can stop, or even restart the reading process if you need further information. The event data can be exported into a CSV file to your PC with one click.

If it is important to know which user and when opened the gate, or how many times the module was used in a certain month, you do not have to connect to the module with your PC. You have the possibility to do it remotely if the WiFi/Bluetooth Programmer is connected to the GSM module along with connecting to the WiFi network. After logging into your account, select the GSM module that you would like to program and then click on the icon at the end of the row to start read out the settings.

Additional advantageous

If you have had problems so far during the installation or required technical support from our colleague, we in general asked you for saving the module settings with the event log and send it to us. However, now if you have a WiFi/Bluetooth Programmer, we can have a look at the settings together in the Cloud and we can help straight away for you. Besides the easier use, we can provide better support to you.

The installer price of the Programmer is 22€ which is negligible compared to the extra functions and convenience you got in exchange. Last but not least, even the end users can control the output of the GSM module remotely with shortcuts. ( also we keep releasing new developments that provides more functions)


For further information about the WiFi/Bluetooth Programmer check our website:


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