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The Cloud interface has been redesigned!

29/04/2020 12:00:00 AM
The Cloud interface has been redesigned!

We have moved forward again with our developments not only with the new products but lately, we have redesigned our Cloud appearance as well.

We have completely redesigned the Cloud interface of the WiFi/Bluetooth Controller that allows remote management of the devices including programming and making queries. Therefore, it is easier to use and more transparent. We do not want to introduce all functions of the Cloud server. Thus, we have made a test account for you. Nevertheless, we would like to highlight some of the new features for you.

If you would like to have a look at our new Cloud interface, you can use either your existing account, or you can log in with the test account:

Login page: http://ascglobal.co.uk/wifi_manager/
ID: demo@ascgobal.eu
PW: demodemo

You will find this new login page:

If you use multiple products, you can see them altogether on the Home page: 

In the Devices menu, you can opt for the controller you would like to configure:

You can manage the Users easily on the following page:

The Eventlog shows the time and date when the user controlled the output:

The Server Log function allows you to query remotely the state of the communication between the server and the WiFi Controller:

On the Cloud, more functions can be set such as:

  • Managing permissions
  • Changing the time of the output control
  • Querying statistics
  • Remote activation of Bluetooth visibility
  • WiFi settings

Get to know the Cloud interface with the demo user:

Login page: http://ascglobal.co.uk/wifi_manager/
ID: demo@ascgobal.eu
PW: demodemo

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us! We are happy to help!

Labels attached to the content: Cloud