If you would like to have a look at our new Cloud interface, you can use either your existing account, or you can log in with the test account:
Login page: http://ascglobal.co.uk/wifi_manager/
ID: demo@ascgobal.eu
PW: demodemo
You will find this new login page:
If you use multiple products, you can see them altogether on the Home page:
In the Devices menu, you can opt for the controller you would like to configure:
You can manage the Users easily on the following page:
The Eventlog shows the time and date when the user controlled the output:
The Server Log function allows you to query remotely the state of the communication between the server and the WiFi Controller:
On the Cloud, more functions can be set such as:
- Managing permissions
- Changing the time of the output control
- Querying statistics
- Remote activation of Bluetooth visibility
- WiFi settings
Get to know the Cloud interface with the demo user:
Login page: http://ascglobal.co.uk/wifi_manager/
ID: demo@ascgobal.eu
PW: demodemo
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us! We are happy to help!